Summer Term 1
Celebrations And Festivals
Responding to the seasons and the calendar gives a ‘shape’ to the children’s year in Nursery and provides special, one-off opportunities for exploration and learning such as festivals that are celebrated by groups of people emphasising togetherness and participation with one another.
Week Beginning: Monday 18th April
St. George’s Day
Personal, Social And Emotional Development:
We are learning to think about our own needs and show sensitivity to the feelings of others. We will continue to learn about different cultures and the need to treat beliefs and views with respect. We are developing our confidence to try new experiences, to talk clearly to others and to cooperate and be honest with one another.
Physical Development:
We will be developing our ability to move with control and co-ordination using the small and large apparatus both inside and outside. We will be learning about how to be healthy; looking at the foods we eat and how we need to exercise. We will create models using a variety of materials including; big bricks, junk and water chutes. We will continue to practise fine motor skills to help with writing, drawing and using scissors.
Communication And Language:
We will be continuing to build on ability to talk to others and take turns in conversations. We will be learning to express ourselves clearly by speaking in complete sentences. We will be listening to others and participating in conversations about our learning during Key Group time. We will be joining in with the repeated refrains and phrases from our favourite rhymes and stories.
We will be developing our phonic knowledge and understanding by learning the sounds of the letters of the alphabet in Read Write Inc.
We will be reading and discussing a variety of books including ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ and ‘the Three Little Pigs. We will be sequencing and retelling these stories using Story Sacks and puppets.
We will look at non–fiction books to retrieve information when finding out about plants and growing.
We will be meeting the next characters in ‘Ten Town’: Seal Six, Sir Seven and Eric Eight.
We will be learning to represent numbers using our fingers, marks on paper or pictures and taking part in number problems.
We will be looking at similarities of shapes in the environment.
Understanding The World:
Week Beginning Monday 25th April is Science Week in Nursery
Nursery Acorns will be learning to ‘predict, observe, compare and discuss’
Through a wide range of exciting and unusual scientific activities in Nursery e.g.
- Giant Bubble making
- Bubble painting
- Magic Meringues
- Making moving puppets
- Exploring ice and ‘snow’
- Growing cress and pea shoots and planting carrots
- And many, many more!
Expressive Arts And Design
We will be using instruments and objects to identify changes in sounds. We will develop our imagination through music, dance, drama and stories.
Nursery Acorns will be taking part in weekly movement and music and ‘Write Dance’ sessions in the main school hall.
The Main Stories We Will Be Learning And Exploring About Will Be:
‘’The Three Little Pigs’ a traditional tale
‘St. George and the Dragon’
Non-fiction texts about life cycles of plants and gardening and people that help us in our community
How You Can Help Your Child:
- Please ensure that your child takes part in our ‘Read With Me’ Library Scheme – this will be starting in October
- When sharing a book with your child, please talk about the book, the pictures and what they can see happening. Encourage your child to tell a story using the pictures.
- Please encourage your child to count objects carefully, one by one, to at least ten and beyond
- Please encourage your child to talk about their learning at school
- Please help your child to learn a wide range of simple Nursery Rhymes – please speak to a member of the Nursery Team if you would like support with this
- Please make sure your child is wearing a named waterproof coat and suitable footwear every day. We go outside even when it is cold and raining!
- Please remember to take your child’s artwork home, out of their art work folder in Nursery, at least on a weekly basis.
Thursdays are ‘Movement and Music’ Days in Nursery
Please ensure that you send your child in socks, NOT tights, wearing NO jewellery and footwear that is easy for them to take off and put back on.
Summer Term 2
Celebrations And Festivals
We will be celebrating the Queen’s 90th Birthday on:
Friday 17th June
With Year Group Street Parties and a family picnic after school
Personal, Social And Emotional Development:
We are considering how our actions can affect others and thinking about working together. We are learning about our different cultures and continue to show sensitivity to the feelings of others. We will continue to develop our confidence to try new experiences and attempt those things that present us with a challenge!
Physical Development:
We will be developing our ability to use the small apparatus with control and co-ordination. We will continue to learn about how to keep healthy and the importance of exercise. In the outside area we will have opportunities to experience a wide range of activities. We will continue to practise fine motor skills to help with writing, drawing and using scissors.
Nursery Acorns will be taking part in their own ‘Artie’s Olympics’ on Wednesday 13th July before the main school Sports Day on Friday 15th July.
Communication And Language:
We will be developing and using new vocabulary based on our Parks Trust visit to the woods based on the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and mathematical language relating to weight and shape. We will be expected to explain our thoughts, ideas and recall clearly and ask questions speaking clearly using complete sentences
We will be developing our phonic knowledge and understanding by learning the sounds of the letters of the alphabet through Read, Write, Inc.
We will be reading and discussing a variety of books including ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. We will be sequencing and retelling these stories using Story Sacks and puppets.
We will look at non–fiction books to retrieve information when finding out about mini-beasts.
We will be meeting the next characters in ‘Ten Town’: Nina Nine Bows and Tia Ten.
We will be learning to represent numbers using our fingers, marks on paper or pictures and taking part in number problems.
We will be talking about and describing the shapes of everyday objects e.g. ‘round’ and ‘tall’
Understanding The World:
We will be investigating mini-beasts. We are going to identify and compare for similarities, differences, patterns and change. We are going to explore and use programmable toys and find out about different kinds of technology. We will continue to think about how our bodies change during exercise and how we can have a healthy lifestyle.
Expressive Arts And Design
We will be using instruments and objects to identify changes in sounds. We will develop our imagination through music, dance, drama and stories – creating mini beast movements. We will create our own craft mini-beasts and a variety of models using different techniques and materials then be encouraged to explain what we did and then evaluate what we could do to improve independently.
The Main Stories We Will Be Learning And Exploring About Will Be:
‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ Eric Carle
Non-fiction texts about life cycles of animals and people that help us in our community
How You Can Help Your Child:
- Please ensure that your child takes part in our ‘Read With Me’ Library Scheme – this will be starting in October
- When sharing a book with your child, please talk about the book, the pictures and what they can see happening. Encourage your child to tell a story using the pictures.
- Please encourage your child to count objects carefully, one by one, to at least ten and beyond
- Please encourage your child to talk about their learning at school
- Please help your child to learn a wide range of simple Nursery Rhymes – please speak to a member of the Nursery Team if you would like support with this
- Please make sure your child is wearing a named waterproof coat and suitable footwear every day. We go outside even when it is cold and raining!
- Please remember to take your child’s artwork home, out of their art work folder in Nursery, at least on a weekly basis.