Spring Term 1
During this half term we will be looking at two Cornerstones topics; We start with ‘Why is water wet?’ where the children investigate the properties of water, where water comes from and also how to stay safe around water. We hope to be able to look at the topic ‘Where does snow go?’ but this will depend on the weather!! We will also be learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year.
These topics help our children to learn in all the different areas of the curriculum.
Personal, Social And Emotional Development:
We will be learning to follow routines and rules independently. We will be learning to form relationships with adults and children. We will be learning to select and use resources to support our learning and use them with our friends.
Physical Development:
We will be learning to move with control and confidence in a variety of ways. We will explore small and large apparatus and learn to throw and catch balls. We will be learning to hold pencils correctly and use one-handed tools safely and with control. We will learn to put on our coats independently.
Communication And Language:
We will be learning to talk to others and take turns in conversations. We will be developing our vocabulary based on our topics. We will be learning to understand and answer ‘why and ‘how’ questions.
We will be learning to listen to stories, maintain attention and recall main events and what the characters say. We will be learning to join in with and recite Nursery rhymes and songs. We will be learning to hold books the correct way up and how to handle them carefully. We will be learning to recognise our own name. We will be learning to use our imagination to create stories in our role play areas and small world play.
We will be learning to count, recognise and use numbers to ten and beyond. We will explore and talk about colours, patterns and shapes through a wide variety of activities, both within the indoor and outdoor learning environments.
Understanding The World:
We will be encouraged to talk about special people and significant events in our lives. We will be learning to talk about where we live and the natural world around us. We will learn how to use simple equipment and technological toys independently.
Expressive Arts And Design
We will be learning to sing simple songs independently. We will explore colour and how colours can be changed. We will create and construct models using a variety of materials. We will listen, move and respond to music. We will participate in role play based on first hand experiences.
The Main Stories We Will Be Learning And Exploring About Will Be:
How You Can Help Your Child:
- Please ensure that your child takes part in our ‘Read With Me’ Library Scheme – this will be starting in October
- When sharing a book with your child, please talk about the book, the pictures and what they can see happening. Encourage your child to tell a story using the pictures.
- Please encourage your child to count objects carefully, one by one, to at least ten and beyond
- Please encourage your child to talk about their learning at school
- Please help your child to learn a wide range of simple Nursery Rhymes – please speak to a member of the Nursery Team if you would like support with this
- Please make sure your child is wearing a named waterproof coat and suitable footwear every day. We go outside even when it is cold and raining!
- Please remember to take your child’s artwork home, out of their art work folder in Nursery, at least on a weekly basis.